Strengthen your Strategy
Focusing on your Strengths to be even betterer personally
Apply it to your team, everyone playing to their strengths, against your strategy - Boom!
Did you know that focusing on your strengths can mean you are……
3 x more engaged at work
6 x better quality of life
It might be my extreme positivity (I have been measured and I am 98% optimist and 99% happy), but I choose to look at the world from a strengths-based lens, rather than a deficit.
‘Existing wisdom’ is that we need to concentrate on what we do poorly and work on how we get better at it. I have had many performance improvement discussions in my career, where they told me to focus on x, even if I am really crap at it. Baffling!
Thankfully, there is evidence that this will not generate high performance and frankly can lead people to believe there is something wrong with them. Different people have different talents and these talents will show up in different ways. If this was not the case we would not have different people performing different roles. People are successful using the talents and skills they innately have. That is why we have accountants and artists, boiler makers and ballet dancers, because we are not homogenous beings.
My experience with strengths is relatively new, but fits very well with my view of the world. But the research and rigour applied by Cliftons/Gallup is an impressive way to evidence my world view.
Gallup */Clifton’s research shows that people who know and use their CliftonStrengths are:
more engaged at work
more productive in their roles
happier and healthier
*I say they measure everything that moves
However, my reason for loving it, is it helps people make sense of themselves in a way that allows them to apply their strengths regardless of their role. It helps you appreciate how and when you succeed and how to repeat the circumstances that will make that happen more often.
Have you ever received advice that you knew you could not apply? I often get the advice “are you going to toughen up now?”, usually after someone has let me down spectacularly, or being very judge-y that hurt me right to the core. I get the sentiment, but that is not how I navigate the world and I would prefer to be open and welcoming and be cut to the quick very occasionally. If I look at why that is so, my strengths point towards that outcome. Knowing your strengths will help you know what is going to work better for you and what you are trying to achieve.
So, what does this mean for you?
Strengths assessment and debrief (debrief – is essential to help understanding, connection and application). This is super helpful once you have created your Strategic Life Map through the Design your Life on Purpose program, because it can fundamentally change the way you approach the dreams you have in place and will help you achieve them.
Here is what others have to say about it
"Christina gave me a clear understanding of how to actually apply my strengths to my day-to-day work. In the past 10 years of my career, I have noticed what my skills were however wasn't quite able to work out how to maximise them in my role until I attended Christina's team workshop and 1-1 session.
As well as this, using specific examples, Christina has shown me how and when to utilise my colleagues and managers strengths, which is a really powerful and positive thing.
I would highly recommend anyone and any organisation to participate in Christina's engaging and inspiring workshop as it shows you that strength doesn't always lie in the number of team members within your organisation but rather lies in the dynamic between each individual's strengths that collectively make up the whole team. Once you can tap into that, you can boost the overall team's productivity, efficiency and communication. Last but not least, the data is scarily accurate! More accurate than any personality test I have ever completed!"
Dani – Team Member
"Training & team building are such a difficult line for a manager to navigate, as no matter how good your intentions it almost always comes off as self-serving - we are training the team to improve the business outcomes, and getting them together to improve their productivity. It's about the business really, not them.
I was hoping to hit a different note with Christina's Strengths Workshop and she delivered and then some. Our team are always willing to give things a go, however having taken the test prior to the workshop I could see many of them were sceptical of both its value & its relevance. And that is where Christina's magic really comes in - by connecting the dots for them she opened their eyes to their own unique gifts, and those of their team mates, helping them see how they could better apply those in their personal & professional lives and how they could work alongside each other in a rewarding & positive way.
Christina is insightful, relatable & despite having not met her before, the team quickly came to trust her. Scepticism gave way to curiosity, and any doubt in their abilities gave way to some quiet confidence.
Whether you are part of a large corporate, or run a small business like ours I would encourage you to get the team together for Christina's Team Workshop ... if nothing else the insights you will get into yourself and the role you can play as their leader will be mind blowing!"
Peita Diamantidis – Caboodle Owner and Financial Planner
OK, Convinced - How do I access this?
Being able to apply your strengths when you design your life or as a team can be super powerful.
For your Team?
Contact me at and we can arrange a quick chat, to ensure it will match your needs. You can also download this white paper here to give you a sense of what I am talking about.
For you?
The first step is to complete the Cliftons Strength Assessment and then book some time in to debrief.
Hint for completing the assessment:
It will take around 45 mins
The questions will continue, even if you have not answered it, after a time. I like to warn people. Also, there are plenty of checks and balances to ensure it does not skew the results
Answer with your instincts, try not to over think it or try to predict the results to get the “right” answer